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Tours em Paris

Explore and discover Paris and its surroundings with one of our exciting, comfortable and popular sightseeing tours! We offer both guided tours and more independent hop-on hop off tours. As well as cruises on the River Seine and of course plenty of tours that include a visit up the Eiffel Tower! Join us on a tour to Versailles or the Mont Saint-Michel, or visit the famous Louvre Museum. Enjoy browsing through our large selection of the many sights that Paris has to offer!

Caridade Ticmate

Tours em Paris

Explore Paris e além com guias profissionais! Aproveite as excursões pelos Museus do Louvre e d'Orsay e tour de dia completo nos arredores de Paris. Opções de excursão à Versailles, Normandia, a região de Champagne em Reims, Mont-Saint-Michel e muito mais!

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