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Artis Royal Zoo: Skip the line
Este produto foi recém adicionado - já é possível reserva-lo e as informações estarão disponíveis em português em breve!
Skip the line to the Netherlands's oldest zoo located in Amsterdam: Artis Royal Zoo! Say hello to hundreds of fascinating animals, such as lions, penguins and elephants. With this ticket you can visit the zoological library and the onsite planetarium. There is even an art collection, which you can explore. If you add it to your ticket, you also get access to Micropia!
- Skip the line to the Netherlands's oldest zoo
- Say hello to hundreds of fascinating animals
- Visit the zoological library
- See a show in the onsite planetarium
- Enjoy the beautiful art collection
- Get access to Micropia - if selected
O que posso esperar?
Who doesn't love watching the lions relax after their lunch or the cute penguins swimming and playing with each other? At Artis Royal Zoo you can witness the everyday lives of hundreds of fascinating animals. You can stroll around in this wonderful zoo, lean your head back and look at the tall giraffes or the magnificient elephants!
Artis Royal Zoo was founded in 1838 under the name Natura Artis Magistra. The zoo had the purpose of promoting the knowledge of natural history, making it the oldest zoo in the Netherlands. Inside you find art in its aquariums (along with the sea creatures), you can visit the zoological library and dine on the terrace of an excellent restaurant, while listening to the birds singing.
Besides visiting and watching the incredible animals, while you walk through the park, you can spot 27 different monuments including several historical buildings. Don't forget to visit the planetarium, which presents several different shows each day.
If you add it to your ticket you can also visit the award-winning museum, Micropia, which celebrates microbes and the roles they play in our lives, without us even knowing it!
Como funciona?
Your e-ticket will be emailed directly to you shortly after your booking is complete. Present the ticket via your mobile phone or bring a printed copy with you to the zoo.
Informações importantes
- Pets are not allowed inside the park.
- Please note that Artis is a smoke-free park.
Categorias de ingressos
Adult (13+)
Child (3-12)
Infant (0-2): Free of charge
Artis Royal Zoo:
Daily from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Sunday-Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Thursday-Saturday: 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.
Confirmação instantânea
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Poupe tempo - salte as filas
Artis Royal Zoo:
Daily from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Sunday-Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Thursday-Saturday: 9 A.M. to 8 P.M.
O que está incluído?
- A Skip the line-ticket to the zoo.
- Access to the onsite zoological library, the planetarium and the art collection.
- If selected: Access to Micropia.

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